I recently had PHP, Apache, MySQL, & PHPMyAdmin (LAMP Programs) working fine on Linux Ubuntu 10.10, and had worked fine for about two years. But recently 10.10 wouldn't boot, and I had to install a recent and long-supported-as-possible version of Ubuntu, so I installed 12.04. When I had any problem with PHP on 10.10, I could look at the error log, understand what went wrong, and was able to fix it in usually a short time. However, in 12.04, I am unable to get PHP to work, and can't find an error log to give me some feedback about what is not working. Before installing the LAMP programs, I did some research on the Internet, and found a website that seemed to make good sense to me. That website is warriortek.com/?p=6582, and has an instruction video. For my 12.04 installation, the commands I used were as follows (on the Terminal Window):
$ sudo apt-get install apache2
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ sudo apt-get install pi
pi – Chromium (pi/ at Terminal Window) – localhost ('ex pi' & 'exit' to quit) - ? I wasn't sure what to do with this instruction.
$ sudo apt-get install php5 libapache2-mod-php5
$ cd /var/www
/var/www$ ls
/var/www$ rm index.html or sudo rm index.html
/var/www$ ls
/var/www$ sudo gedit index.php (goes to gedit screen)
echo phpinfo();
Save & exit gedit

/var/www$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server php5-mysql
/var/www$ sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin
/var/www$ cd /etc/apache2
/etc/apache2$ ls
/etc/apache2$ sudo gedit apache2.conf
(Go to bottom of file & make new line as follows🙂
Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf (Save & exit gedit)

/etc/apache2$ cd /var/www/
/var/www$ sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/
/var/www$ ls
/var/www$ phpmyadmin - ? The video was not clear about this instruction
In Chromium, phpmyadmin (then Enter to set up password) - ? I wasn't sure how to make this work
/var/www$ cd /etc/phpmyadmin
/etc/phpmyadmin$ pwd (/etc/phpmyadmin should display)
/etc/phpmyadmin$ ls
/etc/phpmyadmin$ sudo gedit config.inc.php
In gedit, go to line that has 'AllowNoPassword' in it
Delete '//' at beginning of line to uncomment, then Save & Exit
/etc/phpmyadmin$ sudo service apache2 restart
Set password for root id
/etc/phpmyadmin$ free -m
All of the commands above worked except the pi, Chromium, and one phpmyadmin instruction. Perhaps this was not the best way of loading the LAMP Programs, but based on my previous experience with LAMP installation on 10.10, they looked correct to me. I loaded the
<?php echo phpinfo(); ?> command into an HTML file to test the PHP installation, and ran it, but the output was blank.

I'm hoping that some of you know what I need to do to get this to work. I will appreciate any help you can give me.


    donglass wrote:

    <?php echo phpinfo(); ?> command into an HTML file to test the PHP installation, and ran it, but the output was blank.

    Have a look at the page's source and see if the uninterpreted PHP is there.
    Have you configured Apache to process PHP files as PHP (i.e., followed the installation instructions in the manual)?

      Also, you don't have to echo phpinfo. It's enough just to call the routine:

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