A new XAMPP version has just been released with the following improvements for Windows, OS X and Linux. In case you are not familiar with XAMPP, it is an easy self-contained installer for Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl.


  • Updated main components PHP to 5.4.16, MySQL to 5.5.32, Apache to 2.4.4, phpMyAdmin 4.0.4
  • Updated Linux and Mac OS X versions of XAMPP, which had not been updated for a while. Moving forward, we aim to keep them up to date and perform releases at the same time as the Windows version.
  • Updated the XAMPP Control Panel to 3.2.1 for Windows
  • New manager tools for Linux and OS X that allows starting / stopping servers using a GUI interface.
  • New GUI installers for Linux and OS X that match the Windows GUI installer.
  • Support for 64bit versions of Linux and OS X.
  • Expanded the number of BitNami-packaged applications compatible with XAMPP. It now includes WordPress, Drupal, Joomla!, Magento, Mediawiki, Moodle, SugarCRM, DokuWiki, ownCloud and phpBB.
  • Added support for Instaclient Oracle library for PHP (oci8.so)
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