Every time I want to view one of these on my PC (copied from a web server) I have to double click it and then choose from a palette of programs which one to open it with.

I can't do a right click and 'open with' and since it doesn't have a 3 letter extension Windows has no idea what to do with it.

Any way to assign it to a text editor to open?

    A lot of text editors would happily open any file you drag into its window.

      ah damn - blinded to the obvious - thanks
      (I did wonder if I should put this in Windows help)

        Additionally, if it's the lack of a file extension holding you back... why not give the file an extension?

          Typing the extension is a pain .. and then Windows shows you the box "Are you sure you want to change the extension - this might make the file unusable"
          I just want to click the file and open it. I can't even drag it into my php editor - that thinks it's getting an image.
          What I can do is drag it onto the program icon - better than nothing - at least when the icon isn't behind multiple windows.

            cretaceous;11033333 wrote:

            Typing the extension is a pain

            Not if you rename "error_log" to "error.log" - same number of characters! :p

            cretaceous;11033333 wrote:

            then Windows shows you the box "Are you sure you want to change the extension - this might make the file unusable"

            Aye, that's one error I wish I could turn off. I barely ever see it any more; after hitting F2 to rename a file, I always finish the rename operation with a double enter in quick succession to confirm the "Yes, Windows, I'm not my 73 year-old-grandmother, I know what I'm doing - please get out of my way you overly cautious and distrusting twerp" dialog.

            cretaceous;11033333 wrote:

            I just want to click the file and open it. I can't even drag it into my php editor - that thinks it's getting an image.

            Apparently there is actually a way to do this; this page discusses how to associate all extensionless files with a specific program (ironically enough, it's regarding the same issue - a "error_log" file).

            Me being the power user I am, I just skipped straight to tinkering with the registry. If you create the key [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT.] and modify the (Default) value to be "txtfile", all extensionless files will be treated as text files (e.g. the default type for .txt files) and be opened with the relevant default program.

            cretaceous;11033333 wrote:

            What I can do is drag it onto the program icon - better than nothing - at least when the icon isn't behind multiple windows.

            I've solved that last bit by pinning Vim (my text editor of choice) to my taskbar (I'm using Win7).

              good thinking on the underscore to dot Mr G - for some reason that doesn't show me the the warning dialog either

              but that's a cool link... reg hack here I come...

                5 days later

                I just went into my php.ini file and set my error log to be error.txt. Notepad happily opens it without delay.

                  Bonesnap;11033501 wrote:

                  I just went into my php.ini file and set my error log to be error.txt. Notepad happily opens it without delay.

                  And you, Bonesnap, win the bananas today 😉

                    That's not fair - thread starter should get a banana - or a grape at least..

                      We'll think about sending you one after you adjust your INI file :p

                      But I bet we can find a grape or two regardless ... 🙂

                        7 days later

                        I strongly suspect that you can delete all emf files after a reboot. That just might fix the entire problem.

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