Hi Guys,

I am trying to save Bitcoin data in Mysql. But I am struggling to identify a reliable data format that won't round out or misrespresent the original value.

Data Formated I tested

double(20,20) --> got converted to decimal(20,20)

I tried to save this value 123456789,123456789
But it always got rounded out or misrepresented.

decimal(20,20) --> 0.99999999999999999999
double(20,20) --> 0.99999999999999999999
float(20,20) --> 1.00000000000000000000
VarChar will work but I won't be able to do calculations within Mysql.

Any suggestions?

    The first part of the decimal specification is the precision - the number of digits stored including those used for places after the decimal point. [font=monospace]decimal(20,20)[/font] means twenty-digit numbers, with twenty of them after the decimal point.

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