Please bare with me... I am by no means a coder and this is very new to me but I am trying to learn as I go. I am currently trying to learn by modifying a script I have that is written with php 5.2. My intent is to bring it up to php 5.6 by learning to write php. I realize this is going to be a long journey for me... so please bare with me, I'll need all the help and information I can gather along the way.
In doing this rewrite, I am running my current script in a test module set for php 5.6 and correcting each line as I go... I guess that is the only real way I can do this without knowing the complete php code.
This is an error I have come across. I see what it is stating but I don't want to make an assumption about what I am changing to correct this error.
FATAL ERROR syntax error, unexpected '""' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING) on line number 104
My script lines 101 - 107
101 $domain = ".".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
102 }
103 $license = false;
104 if ( file_exists( dirname( """"""__FILE__ not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" )."/..//license" ) && lic( $domain ) == file_get_contents( dirname( """"""__FILE__ not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" not allowed" )."/..//license" ) )
105 {
106 $license = true;
107 }
Please correct me if I am wrong.... from what I see according the the error report there is an issue with the quotes """""" being used. What I am not quite understanding is why?... It is the way they are being used in the statement? If it is how they are being used, what is the correct way to use this in this instance?
Again... my apologies for being extremely new to php and coding, but I need to start somewhere and the beginning is usually the best place.
Thank you all for your help in my quest to learn and get this project working again on a 5.6 level.