I installed Linux Mint 17.3 on my laptop last night (removing Windows 8.1). It's been about a day and I'm already regretting it. But maybe some of you have some tips or tricks to make things a little more accessible/easier/enjoyable, because so far just the overall experience has been pretty frustrating.
Whether I like it or not, I know I need to learn Linux on some level; it's just the way it is in web development. When I look up pretty much any tool it's the "Linux way" that's listed first, and then maybe there's a "Windows way". In any case, Linux is first. I haven' touched my VPS on DigitalOcean in months (partly because it's Linux but also partly because I haven't had the time to devote to it).
Anyway, so I decided to install Linux and then "force" myself to use it, at least a little bit, because I tend to do a little work on my laptop when I want to sit in front of the TV and have my cat in my lap at the same time (he doesn't like it when I'm on my main computer ).
I wanted to try to install the main things manually (Apache, PHP, MySQL), but that proved impossible. Hours into Apache and I barely was able to get some dependency installed. Scrapped that and used XAMPP instead. Did not go down apt-get install route because I don't want to use old versions of software. And I want to play with PHP 7.
I managed to get PhpStorm installed. Had to do it a couple times because it apparently disappeared from the "start" menu (not sure what else to call that menu :p). Which is a huge dealbreaker for me when it comes to Linux. The ability to hit the Windows key and then type and search for something is invaluable, and the reason I'd choose Vista over XP 10 times out of 10. Microsoft only made it better in 7 and 8. So this being robust and useful must be a thing. I'll probably inquire in the future on how to extend or make it better.
What about permissions and prompting for password every time I want to do something? Very annoying. Any way I can just have root access, or like, enter my password as soon as I log in so I don't have to be prompted all the time? Also can't seem to do anything without having to prefix it with sudo. Want to use Git? Sudo. Composer? Sudo. Want PhpStorm to be able to operate? Better run it from the terminal with sudo. Anyway to change that? I couldn't even get PhpStorm to create its .idea folder because it didn't have permission to write to the project's directory. Can I just chmod 777 the whole file system?
Sorry, more of a rant than anything. Just frustrated at the lack of accessibility of Linux and feel restricted about everything. I am way more productive on a Windows machine, which I find ironic because people give me crap all the time for working with Windows, yet I spend hour upon hours trying to do things on a Linux machine which would take me a fraction of the time on Windows. And in the end the quality of my code and work isn't going to magically improve because I am using X operating system over Y.