//Estimate time to crack:
//4 chars = 6 seconds
//5 chars = 5 minutes
//6 chars = 4 hours
//7 chars = 8 days
//8 chars = 1 year 20 days

Here is the 4 chars version of my password cracker:


// 8 chars excluded: "&'<>\` and space
$symbol = '!#$%()*+,-./:;=?@[]^_{|}~';  // 25 chars
$number = '0123456789';                 // 10 chars
$lower  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // 26 chars
$alfa   = $upper.$lower;                // 52 chars
$chars  = $symbol.$number.$upper.$lower;// 87 chars

// 4 characters password generator
$pw = '';
$pw[0] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
$pw[1] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
$pw[2] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
$pw[3] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
echo '<p style="font-family:\'Courier New\'">';
echo $pw;
echo '<br>';

// The 4 chars password cracker
$ck = '';
for($a=32; $a<127; $a++) {
	$ck[0] = chr($a);
	for($b=32; $b<127; $b++) {
		$ck[1] = chr($b);
		for($c=32; $c<127; $c++) {
			$ck[2] = chr($c);
			for($d=32; $d<127; $d++) {
				$ck[3] = chr($d);
				if($ck == $pw) {
echo $ck;

    Here is the 5 chars version.
    But be aware you probably can not run it.
    Because it takes at average 5 minutes to crack 5 letter passwords.
    You can of course increase the PHP.ini 'max execution time', if you wish.
    Set it at 900 seconds = 15 minutes, to be fairly sure it works.

    // 8 chars excluded: "&'<>\` and space
    $symbol = '!#$%()*+,-./:;=?@[]^_{|}~';  // 25 chars
    $number = '0123456789';                 // 10 chars
    $upper  = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; // 26 chars
    $lower  = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; // 26 chars
    $alfa   = $upper.$lower;                // 52 chars
    $chars  = $symbol.$number.$upper.$lower;// 87 chars
    // 5 characters password generator
    $pw = '';
    $pw[0] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
    $pw[1] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
    $pw[2] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
    $pw[3] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
    $pw[4] = $chars[mt_rand(0,86)];
    echo '<p style="font-family:\'Courier New\'">';
    echo $pw;
    echo '<br>';
    $ck = '';
    for($a=32; $a<127; $a++) {
    	$ck[0] = chr($a);
    	for($b=32; $b<127; $b++) {
    		$ck[1] = chr($b);
    		for($c=32; $c<127; $c++) {
    			$ck[2] = chr($c);
    			for($d=32; $d<127; $d++) {
    				$ck[3] = chr($d);
    				for($e=32; $e<127; $e++) {
    					$ck[4] = chr($e);
    					if($ck == $pw) {
    echo $ck;
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