I'm about to head out of town. I'm digging out my wife's old Mac laptop (circa 2013) to use for my dev work while I'm away. I looked at the mamp vs mamp pro feature comparison and it looks to me like they've severely crippled your usual MAMP and stuffed MAMP pro with all kinds of goodies i don't need or want. Also, based on my prior experience, I'm thinking MAMP is not for me.

That said, I'm a bit concerned about trying to get apache, php, and mysql all installed and cooperating easy in an easily manageable configuration. It's a piece of cake on Ubuntu with the apt packages, but I'm worried about all the configuration and compile commands. Ideally, I'd like to have PDO and gd image editing functions, mcrypt and/or hash functions, ssh2, json, mcrypt, gnupg, curl, openssl, pcre, dom, hash, mbstring, pcntl, posix, sessions, Reflection, sockets, and xml extensions avilable for PHP.

For apache, I'm not especially concerned about event/worker/prefork mode, but I would like ssl and mod_rewrite to work. I also expect that I'll need to inject ENV vars for command line operation.

It's my understanding that MySQL is essentially monolithic. I'm not especially worried about which version gets installed. Something recent-ish would be nice. I'd also ideally like to use native drivers when connecting from PHP.

Does anyone have a recipe or series of commands stored away somewhere? Any help here would be much appreciated. I've been working on this trusty workstation for so long I'm going to be out of my element on a mac.

    I use XAMPP on my Mac -- when not spinning up Docker containers, instead. 🙂

      19 days later

      Nog, thanks for that tip. I think I'll try the same. Just ordered more RAM and a nice big SSD for the laptop and will upgrade.

      Does anyone use disk encryption? I very much like the idea of turning it on, but I'm concerned it'll impact performance -- especially disk-intensive operations like MySQL or MariaDB. Does anyone have any information on disk encryption's impact on DBMS operations?

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