hello dear-experts,

the question i am working on: Version-Control with Atom: how to set & configure the interaction of Atom and Github

i am pretty new to Atom and github - so i have a question: how to get up and configured the ATOM-editor so that it works with the Github-Account
regarding the atom-manual on the following page i have several questions: https://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/version-control-in-atom/

i think that for a beginner in ATOM - it is the question how to connect to the Github-Account. The below mentioned Atom-Manual notes how to work with the Git Account. But the question of the day is : how to get to the

#interaction of Atom with the Github-account!?
that is the first question.

cf: https://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/version-control-in-atom/

cf: https://flight-manual.atom.io/using-atom/sections/version-control-in-atom/

how to start to configure the ATOM in order to get interaction with my GitHub-Account?

love to hear from you

    So...my brief read of that link is that if you open Atom in a directory that is already a Git project, then Atom knows how to do some Git-related thing. That would seem to imply that you need to initially set it up manually (or via GitHub desktop tools) on your computer before Atom can do any Git-related magic.

    That's how I always work: using git clone <repo string from github> or git init <repo_name> so that I have an applicable directory, cd to that directory, then open VS Code in my case with...

    code .
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