I adopted Visual Studio Code a few months ago because my previous IDE was a resource hog. VSC seems lightweight and responsive.

However, I see some patterns emerging in my usage that concern me. And I think they're about the software as much as anything.

First off, navigation in the EXPLORER. I have dozens of subfolders and hundreds of files in my project. It seems I'm constantly scrolling the mouse or dragging the scrollbar up or down to get to the file I need next. And I don't find that it remembers what I did last, that is, "Recent Files" is more like "Recent Folders".

Next, lots of functionality comes from plug-ins, which is great, except they don't appear to keep in sync with the frequent changes to VSC, which auto-updates itself a couple times a month. When 'ftp-sync' is broken, it really affects my usage.

Finally, twice when it's updated itself it's actually DELETED itself, and I had to find a downloaded version of the software and reinstall it.

Separately, I don't feel these are huge issues ... but I'm starting to resent them in context with each other, and that makes me enjoy work less and probably less productive as well.

Anyone else notice this sort of thing?

    I haven't had any plug-in/update issues that I've noticed, but then I don't use the sftp one.

    I think the directory/file window by default jumps to whatever file is actively being edited, which can be annoying sometimes. I haven't bothered yet to see if there's a config option that avoids that. I have, however, gotten more into the habit of using CMD-P (on mac, not sure what Windows key is for CMD?) and just start typing some of the file name (or directory name). As long as you know enough of the name to narrow down the choices to a manageable few, it can be pretty quick way to find a file.

    Uncheck the "Auto Reveal" option shown below to not have the Explorer panel show/select the active file.

    [upl-image-preview url=https://board.phpbuilder.com/assets/files/2018-12-07/1544220200-280332-screen-shot-2018-12-07-at-50154-pm.png]

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