My laptop suddenly shut down . It is turn black and it is said "Disk Error . Press any key to restart " when I press any key it is still the same . It is still out "Disk Error. Press any key to restart"
What to do ?

    It sounds like your hard drive died.

    Look in the BIOS to see if it is recognized there.

      You might look at some sort of rescue kit ... I used to use "Trinity Rescue Kit" back when I worked with hardware.

      Something that would allow you to boot from a USB stick and see if the disc was present, etc.

        Does Dell supply a "rescue disk" with their laptops?

          If you don't care about any of the data on the laptop hard drive, you might consider installing a new hard drive. I put a big new SSD drive in my wife's old mac laptop and it kicks ass now, but I had to reinstall the operating system.

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