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He's arguing against oop. Thoughts?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1iUe6IofMHe's arguing against oop. Thoughts?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QM1iUe6IofMThumbs down. Dude sounds like a blowhard using terms he doesn't fully understand, repeatedly asserting his premise while hiding behind jargon to sound important.
Nice thing about PHP: You can use OOP when it makes sense to you to use it, and use procedural/functional when that makes more sense, and any level of both as you see fit.
In any case, I think to some degree he's arguing against how most developers use OOP and ignore other options, not that all aspects of OOP are always bad (contrary to his click-bait title). I, for one, am not smart/educated enough to have strong opinions one way or another on his assertions -- though I'll admit that when I have to jump around to a dozen methods across 3 or 4 files in one of our RoR apps to figure out how one small piece of it works, I start to agree with him on that aspect.
The problem with a hammer is that not everything is a nail, and the problem with OOP is that while many things can be objects, they don't all HAVE to be. That said, I'm much more firmly in the OOP camp than I was 15 years ago. I just think that because I've learned about it organically I may be prone to use them a tad too much. There are certainly times when a couple of functions and a block of code is all that's needed. But the more projects you do the more you'll realize that only some things adapt to cookie-cutter solutions.
OOP was hyped as the silver bullet that would solve the Software Crisis. Funnily enough, it didn't: programming is still hard, only the pain points have shifted. OO has its place, but when the idea is to allow programmers to think of their software entities the way they think about — well, objects, — then piling on the layers of abstraction for the sake of turning everything — adjectives, verbs, and conjunctions — into nouns seems counterproductive.
Then, too, the only serious alternative to OOP at that time was the imperative procedural style, which was producing monolithic slabs of code that lacked user-serviceable parts (all you could do was dance around them chucking bones in the air); compiler technology wasn't sophisticated enough and the machines they had to run on weren't powerful enough to do an adequate job of creating optimised machine code for other paradigms (functional, declarative, constraint-based) which only saw theoretical interest.
This seems to be a follow up video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRTfhkiAqPwSo I just watched the first video. My ears pricked up at 41:10. I can make a suggestion there.
Oh, and it's pronounced "ky-meera". It's Greek.