The more I learn these days the more I realise Google is completely inconsistent at times
Well, there's like thousands of people working there. How are you gonna keep ALL the monkeys on the same page?
I'm using their API's for addresses and searching, when you fill it in it'll give you the country code of GB whilst the same API will search for UK.....WHY???
Well...GB is not a country, it's a subset of a country; so it should never be a "country code". It's sort of like saying "the contiguous 48 states is a country" ("C48S"? ).
I'm saying it the wrong way maybe, for example, if I put in the address for Edinburgh castle it will give the suggested dialog of Castlehill, Edinburgh EH1 2ND, UK however the country code/ country_short name will be GB were as the long_name is United Kingdom, see my point?
The GB would be coming from ISO 3166-1 which specifies it as the two-letter code for the United Kingdom. I don't know why UK isn't used there unless it's to avoid confusion with Ukraine (which is UA (the three letter codes for the United Kingdom and Ukraine are respectively GBR and UKR)).
I don't know the source for the suggested dialogue, unless it's simply using "UK" as the conventional abbreviation for the "UNITED KINGDOM" that would otherwise be correct (and of course is itself an abbreviation); Royal Mail guidelines would format the address as
Edinburgh Castle
(How often does mail addressed to the United States end with "USA" compared with "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"?)
I wish I knew the logic behind it, there is a solution through some most likely questionable means it seemed one of those sigh moments