Hello Everyone, I am looking to purchase a good book to learn PHP. Is anyone knows the best book, Please suggest me? I am confused around some books like PHP & MySQL Novice to Ninja, PHP: A Beginner’s Guide by Vikram Vaswani, Murach’s PHP and MySQL by Joel Murach & Ray Harris. If you know which is best please let me know.
Recommendation on PHP Book?
- Edited
Back in the day, I really though Larry Ullman was the go-to guy for good teaching in book form where PHP was concerned. http://www.peachpit.com/store/php-and-mysql-for-dynamic-web-sites-visual-quickpro-9780134301846
And of course, there's our famous group of writers from this site, but I wouldn't buy this now since it's quite ancient:
https://www.amazon.com/Beginning-Apache-MySQL-Development-Programmer-ebook/dp/B000QCS446Hmm ... apparently we can't post Amazon Links. Elizabeth, Stolzyboy, Bunkermaster, BuzzLY and a couple of others wrote "Beginning Apache / MySQL Development" ... about 15 years ago, as I recall.
I don't know specific books, but do try to get something recent that assumes the current PHP 7 version.
Maybe try one of the first few suggestions at https://gbksoft.com/blog/most-popular-books-for-learning-php/ ?
I've been a fan of PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice by MAtt Zandstra for the last five editions of the book. It assumes a fairly high level of PHP knowledge to begin with, but it's well written and very informative.
maxxd I've been a fan of PHP Objects, Patterns, and Practice by MAtt Zandstra for the last five editions of the book. It assumes a fairly high level of PHP knowledge to begin with, but it's well written and very informative.
Definitely a good book, but I'm thinking it should be the 2nd book a newbie reads.
Hah. Nice try, but you didn't read the first reply before spamming your app store.
Hi Ankit,
As there are n number of books available over the web but through I learned and suggested y many PHP Developers is Head First PHP & MySQL Why it is best? Throughout Head First PHP & MySQL, the reader gets delighted by means of fascinating real-world examples for learning how to harness the power of the popular server-side programming language and its beloved counterpart RDBMS i.e. MySQL.
The visually-rich format formula of the Head First series works for Head First PHP & MySQL equally well as with other books in the series. In addition to the quality content, the PHP book is full of mentally-challenging exercises and quizzes.
Head First PHP & MySQL explains the creation of MySQL database tables, transforming HTML pages into dynamic websites, creating images on the fly, and making use of cookies and sessions to get visitor information and use the same for personalizing the website for users.
Click here to check the best PHP books for programming.