Great to see this added, but suspect we want to configure it to be a bit less aggressive, based on the typical amount of traffic here?
[upl-image-preview url=]

E.g.: I got the warning replying to this post less than a minute after posting it. I think we want at least "more than a few days old"?

    Didn't I ever tell you to be careful about what you ask for?!?!?!?


    It would be wonderful if we were having continuous non-spam contributive replies seconds after each other though 😃

    I set the message to show up on posts older than 30 days...

    We might get a Staff only tag in the near future too.

      5 days later

      continuous non-spam contributive replies seconds after each other laserlight

      LOL, I'm not even sure we had that "back in the day", which would be what, 2005?

      But you're right, of course! 😀

        New feature was added..... If you EDIT a member's profile, you will now see an option called SPAMMER. When used, it will delete all posts/threads and suspend them member....all in one big swoop.

        Do Not Test it on Dalecosp....Unless you're really bored.

        Steve_R_Jones Bwahahahaha!!!!!! 😃

        I'm sure they all have over 100 open tickets, just like I do 😉

          Steve_R_Jones If you EDIT a member's profile, you will now see an option called SPAMMER.

          I can't even see how to edit a profile.

          Weedpacket I can't even see how to edit a profile.

          Hmm...yeah...maybe only Admin users?

            Click on the Users avatar and then click on the CONTROL option in the upper right.


            Only see these options:
            [upl-image-preview url=]

            You guys should see the SPAMMER Option now... I'm still looking into the IP option.


            You only see those options because I'm a good boy!!!! 😃

            [upl-image-preview url=]

              Steve_R_Jones You guys should see the SPAMMER Option now.

              Just used it for the first time: nice. 🙂 (Not nice that I needed to use it, but nice that it saved a bunch of clicks.)

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