I just wanted to get opinions from you fine folks on this forum. Where I work our web site is becoming more critical and we want to implement some type of fail over or load balancing to ensure we are up 99%ish of the time if possible. We're on an IBM i using ZendServer w/ Apache. There is a known bug where the server jobs get stuck in a timewait status and we'll have to restart Apache to clear those jobs and get everything back on track. It is very sporadic. Maybe we'll go months w/o it dropping or we'll have to restart 4 times in a row. IBM does have as open ticket on this and we've worked with them to fine tune Apache to try to keep stable.
What do you all do or have done or suggest in regard to either failing over to a instance of Apache or load balancing multiple version so if one drops traffic will flow to the live version.
I did find this link: Pound
Watched this YouTube tutorial and it seems like it could be an option.
I guess another related question would be how do you run multiple instances of Apache?
I appreciate you insight.