• [deleted]

I am trying to get into an account I created years ago on this forum with over 1k posts (I prefer not to post the username publicly). I created this account just now for assistance.

  • The forgot password flow tells me it sent an email, but I never receive it (retried multiple times and checked SPAM folder)
  • If I use an email not associated with my account, it tells me no account exists with that address (confirming I used the correct email linked to my account in previous step)
  • Forgot Password works for this new account I just created -- email is received immediately -- but nothing comes through for the legacy account

I am wondering if the issue is that it's a legacy account and related to several forum migrations?

Could a moderator or admin reach out privately and assist?

    I deleted your temp account…. I was then able to reuse your @gmail.com info…

    You should be able to request a new password.

    Steve – Site Admin

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