What is preprocessor?
What is the working procedure of php?
How it works?
Working Procedure of Code
15 days later
PHP converts your PHP code (.php file) into 'bytecode' (.phps) which is what actually gets executed. Each time the file is requested, the server checks to see if the original .php file has been modified since it was last compiled into bytecode and, if not, it is recompiled into a new .phps.
4 days later
PHP is the software that delivers web pages to the world. When you type a URL into web browser's address bar, you are sending a message to the web server at that URL. Asking it to send you an HTML file. The web server responds by sending the requested file. Hypertext Preprocessor. PHP code can be inserted into the HTML of a Web page. When a PHP page is accessed, the PHP code is read or parsed by the server the page resides on.