I recently had to get a new computer. In the past when doing this sort of thing I simply copied all the databases from my backup of my mysql data directory and everything was good to go. This time it didn't work. Fortunately most stuff was online as well as on my local machine. There is, however one table that I need from the back up. everything I can find online says just drop the .frm, .myi , and .myd into the data directory and it should work if they are MYISAM files, they are, It doesn't. I put the files in the directory, shut down the computer and rebooted. It doesn't recognize it the table does not show up. Im running Bitnami winstack 7.1.19-1 with mysql 8.0.20 - MySQL Community Server - GPL on windows 10.

any suggestions?

    13 days later

    Great information, hope this will solve your issue

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