• Discussion
  • [Question] What's your favorite logging service for PHP & JS and why?

I'm referring to things like Rollbar / Sentry / Spatie's Flare for Laravel and Vue.

I've been using Rollbar for many years, but I'm interested in other opinions of other services. Recently I started using Flare for an under dev Laravel and Vue project and I love it, but I can't decide if I should use it in production too or stick to Rollbar, as I don't have much of an experience with it.

On Rollbar I know for sure that I have the Telemetry feature that actually helps a lot with some seemly random JS bugs. That's one thing that Flare lacks. On the other case, Flare logs every single $_SERVER variable, authenticated user, query, and more, for every request. That's also very helpful to me.

I'm asking for opinions here because the blogs tend to either side with one in particular, probably because they're paid advertorials, or side with all of them at once, listing lacking pros and cons lists.

I'm interested in finding out what specific feature you couldn't live without from any of these logging trackers.


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