- Edited
First point release of PHP v8 keeps mainly backwards-compatibility of course, as befitting a point release. Most of the incompatibilities that are there are a result of making things work more the way you'd expect.
New features are much more fun. The biggy — significant enough on its own but even moreso in combination with 8.0's match
statement — is enum
. PHP now has first-class enumerations:
enum WarningLevel {
case Panic;
case Error;
case Warning;
case Info;
case Debug;
letting you assign a proper WarningLevel
type declaration in function signatures instead of declaring a string and checking values inside the function, or — if you wanted type safety — a bunch of do-nothing instances of do-nothing classes that exist solely to implement some do-nothing interface solely for the sake of being able to use that interface as a type declaration (sound confusing? that's why enums).
More stuff:
- Class constants can be declared
so that subclasses are prevented from overriding them. - Default arguments, static variables, and global constants can now be objects (you can, for example, declare a method's parameter to have a default value of "new Dependency" instead of some workaround like "default to null and then check in the method body for that and use 'new Dependency' if null is found")
- any callable can be turned into a Closure object (okay, you could already do that with
but now there's specific syntax for it:callable(...)
) readonly
properties, because sometimes you don't want a property to be modifiable, but you want it to vary by instance and constants by definition don't.- Fibres: primitives for building libraries to do asynchronous and other concurrent processing