A union of the two queries that collect the values common to both tables (not just "SELECT *"), and includes an additional column so that each row can indicate which table it came from

SELECT email,(whatever else), 1 as existing_user FROM users WHERE email="$email"
SELECT email,(whatever else), 0 as existing_user FROM users WHERE email="$email"

Then look at existing_user.

But you're only looking to see if a record exists, and which table it's in if it does; you don't care about the record itself:

Select (CASE WHEN (EXISTS(Select * from users Where email='$email')) THEN 1
		     WHEN (EXISTS(Select * from registrations Where email='$email') THEN 2
	         ELSE 0 END) AS registration_status

registration_status is 1 if they're registered, 2 if they're in the process of registering, and 0 if the email isn't in either table.

NogDog It's definitely not too late. The only reason I had them separated is I thought it would be a cleaner way to manage the validated users. I already prune incomplete registrations at 24 hours so I can see how it wouldn't really hurt anything to have them in the same table.

    Well, a "user" is a different thing from "someone who is incompletely registered". Put them into one table and any search regarding anything to do with the former group (which most searches of the table will be) will require an additional condition to filter out the latter.

    Weedpacket Does it change the situation RE: two or one tables if incomplete registrations won't have a username? I think I can store them all the same as my two-step registration process doesn't allow choosing a username until the end of the process. That would mean any row with no username would be an incomplete registration.

    Here's my ver.2, if I end up using the same table for both users and registrations. It seems very muddled to me:

    		/* Store the hashed email in the database for future matching if they don't already have a record */
    		$q_regemail = "SELECT username FROM users WHERE email = '".$email."' LIMIT 1";
    		if($errorinos == 1){
    			$r_regemail = mysqli_query ($link, $q_regemail) or die($q_regemail.'<br> Error:'.mysqli_error($link));
    			$r_regemail = mysqli_query ($link, $q_regemail) or die('Catastrophic failure [Super secret code 65198]');
    		$n_regemail = mysqli_num_rows($r_regemail);
    		if($n_regemail != 0){
    			/* They've already got a record. Check username for whether its an established user or incomplete registration. */
    			while ($row_regemail = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($r_regemail)) {
    				$rec_username = $row_regemail['username'];
    				if($rec_username == ''){
    					/* This is an incomplete registration. */
    					/* This is an established user. */
    			/* New registration attempt. */

    What is your registration process, and why wouldn't a user specify the (unique) username they want to use in the first step? Seems like you are making this harder for the user, which will create a bad User eXperience (UX), and take more code and queries?

    Some comments about the posted code -

    1. Don't put external, unknown, dynamic values directly into an sql query statement. Use a prepared query instead. If you switch to use the much simpler PDO database extension, prepared queries are very simple. Not so much with the mysqli extension, which requires you to learn almost two different extensions since the non-prepared and prepared programming interfaces are complete different.
    2. Don't try to SELECT data to decide if you are going to INSERT new values, e.g. the username and email. Those columns MUST be defined as unique indexes, so that the database will enforce unique values. You should just attempt to insert the data, then detect if a duplicate index error occurred. If you get a duplicate error, you would then execute a SELECT query to find which of those column(s) contain duplicates. You would setup message(s) for the user telling them which values are already in use and to enter new value(s).
    3. You only need one set of error handling for queries and except for inserting/updating duplicate or out of range values (see item #2 in this list), you should not tell the visitor anything specific about an error that has occurred, since a they cannot do anything to fix things like sql syntax errors. To do this, simply use exceptions for database statement errors and in most cases let php catch and handle the exception, where php will use its error related settings to control what happens with the actual error information (database statement errors will 'automatically' get displayed/logged the same as php errors.) You would then remove all the existing database error handling logic, since it will no longer get executed upon an error (execution transfers to the nearest correct type of exception handler, or to php if there is none.) The exception to this rule is when inserting/updating user data. In this case your code would catch the exception, detect if the error number is for something that the user can correct, then setup a message for the user telling them what was wrong with the data that they submitted.
    4. Don't use a loop to fetch data from a query that will at most match one row of data. Just directly fetch the row of data.
    5. Don't copy variables to other variables for nothing. Just use the original variables.

    schwim Still the same situation: constantly filtering your "users" table of things that are not users.

    pbismad What is your registration process, and why wouldn't a user specify the (unique) username they want to use in the first step? Seems like you are making this harder for the user, which will create a bad User eXperience (UX), and take more code and queries?

    By harder, do you just mean different? I'm not sure validating the email address prior to account detail creation is "harder" on the user. It will, however, break pretty much every low-cost bot inundating every registration form on the web that does it in the expected manner. My registration process is basically the same as any other with the exception that the email validation occurs at the beginning instead of the end.

    RE: 5 points: Thank you for taking the time to help. Some questions and clarifications:

    1) It's not unknown. In code leading up to the query, I've sanitized the value I'm using for the statements via PHP. If it doesn't look like an email, if it's longer than x characters, the user is notified that it's not a legitimate address. After 5 attempts, they are blocked from using any form on the site. I will look into converting my connections and queries to use PDO. I've read quite a bit about it but have never written it into a script myself.

    2) Could you give an example of converting a dup mysql error into PHP using that for a notice? I am not sure how that would happen.

    3) I don't see the issue in viewing the errors in the manner I have then just flipping the switch on $errorinos to turn them off when I don't need them. Is this a security risk, even when disabled or just messy/wasteful coding?

    4) This is embarrassing but using while ($row_regemail = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($r_regemail)) { is the only way I know how to convert the result into a usable variable. What would I use to get the value, if not $rec_username = $row_regemail['username'];?

    5) I think this is an extension of me handling (4) incorrectly.

    Thank you very much for your time!


    So my first mindset was correct. Constantly filtering the registration table is better than constantly filtering the users table. I'll move back over to that method.

      schwim 2) Could you give an example of converting a dup mysql error into PHP using that for a notice? I am not sure how that would happen.

      If the insertion fails the mysql_query call would return false, and mysqli_errno should return 23505 (standard SQL code for a unique constraint violation). Using PDO and throwing exceptions you'd write the code as if it can't have any problems, wrap it in try{...} followed by catch(PDOException $e){...} containing what to do if anything in the try part fails. (The code itself may be in a function and the try/catch at a higher level where it might make more sense to have error-handling code.)

      schwim 4) This is embarrassing but using while ($row_regemail = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($r_regemail)) { is the only way I know how to convert the result into a usable variable. What would I use to get the value, if not $rec_username = $row_regemail['username'];?

      $row_regemail = mysqli_fetch_assoc ($r_regemail);

        schwim By harder, do you just mean different? I'm not sure validating the email address prior to account detail creation is "harder" on the user. It will, however, break pretty much every low-cost bot inundating every registration form on the web that does it in the expected manner. My registration process is basically the same as any other with the exception that the email validation occurs at the beginning instead of the end.

        So the user starts the process, and then almost immediately has to stop to wait for and then confirm the email before resuming? Or do they get to continue through the process in the meantime?

        schwim What is your registration process

        Could you specifically answer this, in some detail, e.g. what does validating the email address actually involve? Until we know what you know about the steps/process, you are going to get a bunch of information all over the place as to what you should be doing or doing differently.

        I can guarantee that any site you have directly registered on, such as this forum, you created a username and entered your contact email at the same time. Separating these provides no utility, security or otherwise. The only functional case where entering an email, then at a later step entering the rest of the account information, would be where you didn't directly register, but instead were invited to register, such as an existing patient registering for a medical records account login, i.e. staff entered your contact email into their system, which sent you an invitation email with a registration completion link in it.

        schwim 1) It's not unknown

        But it still can contain sql special characters which can break the sql query syntax. Valid email addresses, in the name portion, can contain almost any printing characters and some database servers, such as MySql, happily expands hexadecimal encoded sql, when in a string context, back into the actual sql. You must protect against sql special characters in any value from breaking the sql query syntax, which is how sql injection is accomplished. Prepared queries provide foolproof protection against sql injection for all data types. They also simplify the sql query syntax, by replacing all the extra quotes, concatenation dots, and {} that are used to get php variables into the query statement, with a simple ? place-holder.

        schwim I've sanitized

        Aside from trimming data, mainly so that you can detect if it is all white-space characters, you should not modify data values. You should only validate it and use it if it is valid. If it is not valid, tell the user what was wrong with it so that they must correct it and provide a valid value.

        schwim Is this a security risk, even when disabled or just messy/wasteful coding?

        Both. By confirming to a hacker that your code handled an error and produced a cute error message, it gives them feedback that what they did, did cause a detectable error. If you do nothing in your code, except for the mentioned insert/update queries and only for duplicate or out of range values, the response will be, when you are logging php errors (which will now include database statement errors), a http 500 error page. You also want the the simplest code. If you do as suggested, you will have no error handling logic in your code, except for the mentioned cases, and you can simply switch from displaying to logging database statement errors by switching php's display_errors/log_errors settings, which should already be appropriately set in the php.ini on your development and live server.

        schwim 4) This is embarrassing but using while ...

        While (ha ha) a while loop is a conditional test, it will be skipped if there was no row fetched, that's not what you want in this case. You can just fetch and test at the same time if there was or was not a row of data.

        if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result))
            // there was a row of data
            // there was not a row of data

        This might be a good point to mention not creating and maintaining a bunch of verbose (more typing) variable names. All the code after a main comment about this being for a part of the registration process, up to the next main comment for something else, is for the registration process. There's no good reason to keep repeating any part of 'registration' in all the variable names. You have an sql query statement, just use $sql or similar. You have the result from a query, just use $result or $stmt or similar. You have a row of fetched data, just use $row or similar.

        schwim 5) I think this ...

        We continually see line after line of code that's copying variables to other variables. Programming IS a tedious typing activity. Don't make it harder by doing unnecessary typing, with typo mistakes. Most of the points that have been made results in simpler code, eliminating a bunch of typing. Also, by keeping things like form data and data fetched from a query in an array variable, you open up the possibility of more advanced programming by dynamically operating on the data using array functions.

        Weedpacket So the user starts the process, and then almost immediately has to stop to wait for and then confirm the email before resuming? Or do they get to continue through the process in the meantime?

        They get to continue the registration process while waiting on the activation email. I tried this tactic on one of my sites and my bot registrations went to 0 and not just for a week or month, but for over a year so far. I'll explain the reason for the change of how it's handled a bit below.

        pbismad Could you specifically answer this, in some detail, e.g. what does validating the email address actually involve? Until we know what you know about the steps/process, you are going to get a bunch of information all over the place as to what you should be doing or doing differently.

        I can guarantee that any site you have directly registered on, such as this forum, you created a username and entered your contact email at the same time. Separating these provides no utility, security or otherwise. The only functional case where entering an email, then at a later step entering the rest of the account information, would be where you didn't directly register, but instead were invited to register, such as an existing patient registering for a medical records account login, i.e. staff entered your contact email into their system, which sent you an invitation email with a registration completion link in it.

        I'm sorry that I haven't clarified my intent, scope or reasoning to this point. One of my shortcomings when asking for support is thinking the solution to my issue is very small and pinpoint when in reality(as in this thread), they often end up in a complete rewrite of the entire framework due to what I've learned in the topic. I should have started out with this info but we'll file it under better late than never:

        1) The scope of this project is minuscule compared to what you're probably imagining. I'm writing a user authentication system that will then have modules written to work on top of it. A forum on one site with a member map, a bloggy-type thing on another, a bike wiki on another, etc. This may seem like something that will see a lot of traffic but most of my sites see less than 10 legitimate users a month. A forum I run has three regular members. Many sites are really just me. It's very likely that these won't grow, in spite of what I do with them.

        2) My goal is not to write something better than what's out there because I know I can't. I'm writing this mainly for two reasons. First, I like to write PHP. It's a great scripting language for someone like me that doesn't bring any formal training or work history to the table. Secondly, and the important part in context to my questions is that I'm somewhat obsessed with bots, spam and exploits. I love seeing what they try to do and I really enjoy trying to write something that foils them without the assistance of things like CAPTCHA. I use the SFS and Akismet db, but really just for confirmations, my goal is to try to write something that causes the bots and exploiters to get banned while allowing the legitimate user to use the site without issue. I try all kinds of things, many that don't work. The email-first modification to user registration was just something I found that worked extremely well so I've written this to use it. I'm trying other things for the first time that hasn't been pasted in this topic that I hope to see in action.

        So I think before I go any further with the issue at hand, I should start working on converting the script to use PDO. I'll just start using this topic for assistance and see if I can't get back to the query in question since the change will likely solve the issues I started the topic for.

        Thank you all very much for taking the time to help. I know that it can be frustrating when someone is doing so much wrong with such a small bit of code but you folks have tolerated me for over 15 years. PHPB has been my go-to place for assistance the entire time. You all are pretty awesome. I'll be back when I've got my config file converted for your thoughts on improvement.


        If you are going down the PDO path, some practices to follow -

        1. When you make the connection, set the character set to match your database table(s) so that no character conversion occurs over the connection. If you are using emulated prepared queries (not recommended) this would also help prevent sql injection when the emulator applies the quote method to string data.
        2. Set emulated prepared queries to false (you want to use real prepared queries.)
        3. Set the error mode to exceptions (you want to use exceptions for errors with query, prepare, and execute calls.)
        4. Set the default fetch mode to assoc so that you don't need to specify it in each fetch statement.
        5. For a prepared query, use implicit binding by supplying an array of input values to the ->execute([...]) call.

        For the SELECT query (which you probably won't be using for this activity), the PDO equivalent would look like -

        $sql = "SELECT list out the columns you want FROM registrations WHERE email = ?"; // since the email column MUST be defined as a unique index so that the database will enforce unique values, there's no point in the LIMIT 1, the query will stop when an entry is found
        $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $row = $stmt->fetch();

          Alright, here's my config file after conversion of the statements. The page executes without errors and arrays contain what they're supposed to but just wanted to make sure that I'm handling things like making sure $cookie is safe when used in a statement. Any thoughts on improvement would be most welcome. I'll carry what I learn over to the next page in line for conversion.

          /* File: /includities/configlio.php */
          if(!defined('parentInclude')) {
          	header("Location: /");
          // Enable us to use Headers
          // Set sessions
          if(!isset($_SESSION)) {
          /* Any session setup */
          	$_SESSION['badapple'] = 0;
          /* DB creds */
          /* Connect to the DB */
          try {
          	$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
          	$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
          } catch(PDOException $e) {
          	echo "Connection failed: " . $e->getMessage();
          /* Query to get necessary settings for general use. */
          $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT * FROM settings LIMIT 1");
          $settings1 = $stmt->fetch();
          $is_online = 		$settings1['is_online'];
          $offline_excuse = 	$settings1['offline_excuse'];
          $site_title = 		stripslashes($settings1['title']);
          $site_description = stripslashes($settings1['description']);
          $site_keywords = 	stripslashes($settings1['keywords']);
          /* Site specific shite*/
          $site_cookie = 			'bicyclio_user';
          $site_url = 			'https://bicyclio.com';
          $site_name = 			'Bicyclio!';
          $site_email = 			'its@schw.im';
          $rightnow = 			time();
          $token = 				mt_rand().$rightnow;
          $pubtoken =				substr(session_id(), 0, 10);
          $alert = array();
          $alert_display = '';
          	/* User has a cookie.  Is it valid?*/
          	$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE cookie=:cookie LIMIT 1");
          	$user = $stmt->bindParam(':cookie', $_COOKIE[$cookie_name], PDO::PARAM_STR);
          	if ($user->rowCount() > 0) {
          		$vu_id = 				$user['user_id'];
          		$vu_sid = 				session_id();
          		$vuname = 				$user['username'];
          		$vu_email = 			$user['user_email'];
          		$vu_group_id = 			$user['group_id'];
          		$vu_role = 				$user['role'];
          		$vu_avatar = 			$user['avatar'];
          		if($vu_avatar == ''){
          			$vu_avatar = 		'no_avatar.png';
          		/* Has a cookie but isn't legitimate */
          		$is_anon = '1';
          	/* Doesn't have a cookie */
          	$is_anon = '1';
          	/* No cookie means visitor is anonymous */
          	$vu_username = 					'Anonymous';
          	$vu_id = 						'0';
          	$vu_sid =			 			session_id();
          	$vu_group_id = 					'1'; // 6 eqals bot
          	$vu_role = 						'user';
          	$vu_avatar = 					'anonymous.png';
          //Get the forwarded IP if it exists
          IF(array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $_SERVER) && filter_var($_SERVER['X-Forwarded-For'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)){
          	$vu_ip = 				$_SERVER['X-Forwarded-For'];
          	$vu_proxy = 			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
          	$vu_ip = 				$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
          	$vu_proxy = 			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
          	$vu_ip = 				filter_var($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4);

            Some improvements...

            // Enable us to use Headers
            1. ob_start does not "Enable us to use Headers". It enables you to write bad code. Technically, it is to " Turn on output buffering". If you need this on for your code to work, you did something wrong somewhere.

            if(!isset($_SESSION)) {

            1. The if is pointless. Get rid of it. session_start will by default start a new session or resume an existing session.

            $_SESSION['badapple'] = 0;

            1. You don't use the badapple session anywhere in the code you have shown.

            2. Do not output internal server errors. It is useless to the user and only good to hackers. ($e->getMessage)

            3. Do not SELECT *. Specify columns by name

            4. You do not need the LIMIT 1 in your query. You are only going to get one result anyways.

            5. You are using stripslashes. Where and why did you add slashes? I think you probably didn't therefore you don't need it

            6. You suddenly jump case at the bottom of the code. Stay consistent and always use lower-case

            benanamen Do not output internal server errors. It is useless to the user and only good to hackers. ($e->getMessage)

            Errors are incredibly useful to me right now, especially as I make these changes. What should I change the catch to so I can continue to retrieve the errors for troubleshooting?

            schwim Errors are incredibly useful to me right now

            Errors will ALWAYS be incredibly useful. It's just a matter of where they show up.

            You should be working from a local dev setup with error reporting turned all the way up in the php.ini. For production, errors should be off and logged.

            If you are working from Windows I would recommend you install Laragon. It is the best WAMP for several reasons, one being automatic hosts so you can access your project from "yourproject.test" instead of localhost/yourproject.

              schwim Errors are incredibly useful to me right now, especially as I make these changes. What should I change the catch to so I can continue to retrieve the errors for troubleshooting?

              In previous replies in this thread, it was pointed out to only catch and handle database statement exceptions in your code for insert/update queries involving the possibility of duplicate or out of range values. And in all other cases to simply let php catch the exception, which will result in php 'automatically' displaying/logged the raw database statement errors.

              Here's my next iteration of the file after suggested changes were implemented. Hopefully I've covered all the bases:

              /* File: /includities/configlio.php */
              if(!defined('parentInclude')) {
              	header("Location: /");
              /* Any session variables that need setup */
              /* Badapple is used anywhere in the script where forms are trying to be exploited. */
              	$_SESSION['badapple'] = 0;
              /* DB creds */
              /* Connect to the DB */
              try {
              	$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$dbhost;dbname=$dbname", $dbuser, $dbpasswd);
              	$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION);
              } catch(PDOException $e) {
              /* Query to get necessary settings for general use. */
              $stmt = $pdo->query("SELECT is_online, offline_excuse, title, description, keywords FROM settings");
              $settings1 = $stmt->fetch();
              $is_online = 		$settings1['is_online'];
              $offline_excuse = 	$settings1['offline_excuse'];
              $site_title = 		$settings1['title'];
              $site_description = $settings1['description'];
              $site_keywords = 	$settings1['keywords'];
              /* Site specific shite*/
              $site_cookie = 			'bicyclio_user';
              $site_url = 			'https://bicyclio.com';
              $site_name = 			'Bicyclio!';
              $site_email = 			'its@schw.im';
              $rightnow = 			time();
              $token = 				mt_rand().$rightnow;
              $pubtoken =				substr(session_id(), 0, 10);
              $alert = array();
              $alert_display = '';
              	/* User has a cookie.  Is it valid?*/
              	$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT user_id, username, user_email, group_id, role, avatar FROM users WHERE cookie=:cookie LIMIT 1");
              	$user = $stmt->bindParam(':cookie', $_COOKIE[$cookie_name], PDO::PARAM_STR);
              	if ($user->rowCount() > 0) {
              		$vu_id = 				$user['user_id'];
              		$vu_sid = 				session_id();
              		$vuname = 				$user['username'];
              		$vu_email = 			$user['user_email'];
              		$vu_group_id = 			$user['group_id'];
              		$vu_role = 				$user['role'];
              		$vu_avatar = 			$user['avatar'];
              		if($vu_avatar == ''){
              			$vu_avatar = 		'no_avatar.png';
              		/* Has a cookie but isn't legitimate */
              		$is_anon = '1';
              	/* Doesn't have a cookie */
              	$is_anon = '1';
              	/* No cookie means visitor is anonymous */
              	$vu_username = 					'Anonymous';
              	$vu_id = 						'0';
              	$vu_sid =			 			session_id();
              	$vu_group_id = 					'1'; // 6 eqals bot
              	$vu_role = 						'user';
              	$vu_avatar = 					'anonymous.png';
              //Get the forwarded IP if it exists
              if(array_key_exists('X-Forwarded-For', $_SERVER) && filter_var($_SERVER['X-Forwarded-For'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)){
              	$vu_ip = 				$_SERVER['X-Forwarded-For'];
              	$vu_proxy = 			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
              }elseif(array_key_exists('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR', $_SERVER) && filter_var($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4)){
              	$vu_ip = 				$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
              	$vu_proxy = 			$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
              	$vu_ip = 				filter_var($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4);

                Where is $cookie_name coming from?

                You could do without all the variables for nothing from the settings query. You already have variables, just use them.

                Remove the try/catch on the connection. You are not doing anything with it and you already set PDO Exceptions. I would suggest you use set_exception_handler to handle the exceptions however you want. What I do with it is log the errors and fire off an email to myself with the error details as well a provide a generic Fatal Error message to the user.

                ** Do not echo the error message like the example in the manual. It is a poor example and is what you were already doing before.


                If you really want to get this top notch, put the whole project on Github so we can review it as a whole.