This site is very different in recent years than it used to be, but I hope I still might post an Echo Lounge type post to discuss personal matters without drawing the ire of the mods? I hope that, being a long term member, I might beg some leniency.

After working on it intermittently for about nine years, I finally finished my First World War concept album! I have a dinky website I'm working on, which (ab)uses bootstrap. I'd appreciate any broad suggestions about improving it. I am hardly a designer, so it's a bit sloppy. I have two questions in particular.

  • is there some quick way to get a black background/white text for the embedded instagram feed? I note that the Metallica website looks quite nice with smaller thumbs, full width, and tight spacing of thumbs, but they appear to be using snapwidget and i very much do not want to sign up for yet another 3rd party website just to get some insta pics looking nice on my site.
  • does anyone have CSS/layout suggestions for my 'merch' page? I've got a few thumbs and links which look ok on a phone but are far too large on a large desktop screen. I'd like to avoid registering with some 3rd party site just to get a few links looking good.

As for my album, it can be heard on all the major streaming platforms including Spotify & Apple Music. I've got my SEO pretty well in hand -- try googling 'Old Grey Horror' and you'll see what I mean. I had always intended the record to be a metal record, but early reviews have mentioned various other genres: folk, indie rock -- free jazz was even mentioned 😱 -- albeit inaccurately IMHO.

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