Hi. I have a majour problem and need to upgrade an old website. I havent touched PHP in over 10 years. I have a website hosted by easyspace (UK). I am problems working on it as the web brousers cach on me and I am having difficulty stopping them. Can this be done by setting up the site localy? Can I do this by still accessing my mysql web server? This is a windows computer and I could never set up a database locally. I think the problem is the downloads were for linux computers and setting up a windows system was virtualy impossible.

This is an urgent upgrade that needs to be done.

TIA Desmond.

    There are several all-in-one development xAMP (Windows/Linux/Mac Apache, MySql, Php) systems that can be installed on Windows, such as xampp - https://www.apachefriends.org/

    You can export your online database as a .sql file and import it into the localhost system.

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