I am putting a website together using Joomla as the framework for a friend. What she does is work with families with kids tht have severe behavioural issues. The simple idea is reward good behaviour.

The basic idea of the website is this. Each day a child completes certain chores. For each chore they are awarded a monetary figure, say £0.50. at the end of the day they log in, see the days chores, mark the ones completed, and the parents can log in as well and confirm they did these chores. Then at the end of that day the child can see how much they have earned so far.

At the same time, because this is about rewarding behaviour, there also needs to be an optional good behavious or bad behaviour box. Good behaviour if checked by the parents, gives an additional bonus figure to their total for the day, bad behaviour deducts a value from the total

There needs to be a graphical total per child, visible only to each child (Joomla should be able to handle the permissions aspect) and all viewable to the parent (again Jomla), and at the end of the week, they all get to see what they have earned for that week

Can anyone either point me towards a good app that can help me create this (I am fairly new to hard coding, can read and partly understand) or provide a cot for the work to be done

Thanks in advance

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