Looking for a really nice php solution, or *nix solution for converting RTF
to html.

Thanks for any advice!


    Is there a spot I can see some kind of standard for RTF? If there is I'll see about writing a function/class to do it for you.

      That's a very kind a generous offer. Many thanks!

      The information you are looking for is below, along with links to a fellow who has already done alot to start this project. Perhaps you would like to give him a hand. I would also like to assist, to the best of my abilities.

      Thanks again,
      Matt Friedman.

      Rich Text Format - Parsing Class

          (c) 2000 Markus Fischer
          Latest versions of this class can always be found at
          Testing suite is available at
          License: GPLv2

        You seem to have posted this question twice... here is a copy of what I posted to the other one...

        I recently found this one http://px.sklar.com/code.html?code_id=413

        A little buggy but with a little effort works with Win 98 RTF export from Wordpad!

        Other versions of RTF (w.g. word 2000) are more complex and you would have to expand the parser, if U do let me have a copy... ;o)

        Anyway is a good start on how to do this ...

          6 years later

          well, I know that this is a six year old topic, but has anyone got any other RTF2HTML php converters? All of the ones here are not online anymore, so it would be very nice if someone knew of one!

          I have searched the web and found plenty that work offline, but none that work online.

          Thanks ion advance!

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