Please suppply more info. A parse error means there is something wrong with your php code, not necessarily the php ini file.
If you create a php document and call the phpinfo() function, it will read the ini file.
If you cannot do that, you need to troubleshoot the installation of PHP.
If you can call the phpinfo() function from a php file, then php is installed.
Check your code for a parse error.
I have these questions for you:
1) what webserver and what version?
2) what OS?
3) what version of PHP, if version 4, are you running in isappi mode or cgi?
You need to code with something that shows you line numbers. If you write your code with notepad, thats ok until you get a parse error on line 310 🙂
Get a code editor that shows the line number, then go to the line number where the parse error was and then correct it.
I am not sure I can help because I am not sure how much coding experience you have.
Make a text file, place this code in it:
Save as info.php in servers document root, and then call it with your web browser. If it does not work, PHP is not running, check the instalation info, its pretty good.
If the info file works, look for the mssql section. If it is not there, go back to php.ini and uncomment the extension for mssql in the extensions list.
You may have to reboot. Then try again.
I hope this is a little bit helpful.