I am not sure what you are trying to do here.
But you can capture and send as many input fields as you like back to the server where you can
use the data for whatever purpose you wish one of which could be to authenticate a login.
I see that you are using an input of type "submit" which renders as a button control.
When the user clicks this button it will immediately submit the form in its current state
whether it is completed or not ie: do a postback.
If you want to make sure that all the inputs you need have been completed
and are of the correct data type or format you can use an HTML Button tag
with an onclick event handler that triggers a client side script function that is
designed to validate the inputs in order and alert the user that there is
a problem with an input so that the user can correct the input and resub the form.
The last thing this function needs to do once all inputs are deemed valid
is to submit the form using :
In order to do this, of course, you would need to assign the "id" property
to the form and input tags so that they render as objects in teh browser and can
therefore be accessed by the client side scipting.
You can use use client side Javascript or VBScript for scripting but there
are synctax differences between the two.
Are you familiar with client side scripting techniques? If not you should work
on them.
You can also validate form data serverside if necessary but that's a little more
complicated and may involve multiple postbacks.