Hi There-
I have PHP 5.1.6 and MySQL 4.1 on IIS6 (Windows 2003). Yesterday we had a drive crash, so I'm working to reinstall all our apps.
Our entire Website runs in PHP, and it's working fine. I've recovered our database files and can access the data via command line on the server. So far, so good.
The issue, though, is that when I try to access my blog:
...I get this error:
Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL which is required for WordPress
I've searched far and wide and have tried everything I can find:
extension=php_mysql.dll is uncommented and does exist in my C:\Windows\php.ini file
When I check my phpinfo() file, however, I see no references to MySQL, so I'm guessing that's the core of the issue here.
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!