Hello dearest members, can any one tell me, when will dreamweaver designing and development software upgrade to include mysqli extension for PHP development.
As php has officially announced that they will delete use of mysql after version 7.
Hello dearest members, can any one tell me, when will dreamweaver designing and development software upgrade to include mysqli extension for PHP development.
As php has officially announced that they will delete use of mysql after version 7.
Does Dreamweaver support PDO? Is there any particular MySQL functionality you require that can't be provided by PDO?
I would seriously consider dropping Dreamweaver and using a much better IDE. I used Dreamweaver for 6 years. Once I realized what was out there I could never go back. Check out PhpStorm. Totally worth it. It's not like Dreamweaver is free, anyway.
All I know is if my IDE/editor didn't support the functions I wanted to use (especially as something as ubiquitous as MySQLi) I'd look elsewhere.
+1 for PHPStorm, at least when it comes to actual coding (doesn't have any WYSIWYG stuff for web design, but I'm not a designer, so don't care ).
NogDog;11050375 wrote:+1 for PHPStorm, at least when it comes to actual coding (doesn't have any WYSIWYG stuff for web design, but I'm not a designer, so don't care
On most files I can right click and open in browser then it gives me a list of installed browsers to open it in..... Good enough to WYSIWYG for me, plus chrome has live editing of css as long as I map it to the right location, a quick refresh shows me all the changes I saved.
Also, +1 for PHPStorm from me, best IDE I've ever used I think.
All of you guys are suggesting me to use php storm so I am going to download it and will use it. Hope it is good like dreamweaver.
paknoukri;11050485 wrote:All of you guys are suggesting me to use php storm so I am going to download it and will use it. Hope it is good like dreamweaver.
I've never used DW, so cannot really compare, but have always been under the impression that the only thing that made it stand out was its WYSIWYG abilities for web layout (with some complaining that it results in bad HTML?). But when it comes to writing PHP code, PHPStorm is difficult to beat, once you discover the features it has (and the in particular the ones that matter to you.)
If you really want to master it: https://laracasts.com/series/how-to-be-awesome-in-phpstorm (I believe these are still free tutorials)
You can also take a look at this video. It's for IntelliJ, but pretty much everything applies to PhpStorm. The quality sucks, but the tips are nice.
There is also this video which pertains directly to PhpStorm. Quality is only marginally better but it's watchable.
And here I thought Dreamweaver was a 1970's rock ballad: www.youtube.com/watch?v=n-DmAh0dObI
Ah, but do 1970s rock ballads support ELO?
Great question ;-)
function Evil_Woman( $name ) {
echo "<h2>$name --- this one's for you, babe</h2>";
<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R20f-TPKjzc"></iframe>
Hello what is this piece of code for?
paknoukri;11051451 wrote:Hello what is this piece of code for?
Trolling Weedpacket, obviously ;-)
After all, he started it.
Bonesnap;11050557 wrote:You can also take a look at this video. It's for IntelliJ, but pretty much everything applies to PhpStorm. The quality sucks, but the tips are nice.
There is also this video which pertains directly to PhpStorm. Quality is only marginally better but it's watchable.
Thanks for the video Bonesnap!
lilysmith22;11053179 wrote:Thanks for the video Bonesnap!
You are welcome!
Im in the same boat i only just like a few days ago started getting serious with php , hence i joined the forum , i started with laravel and while i love dreamwever , its nothing when compared to phpstorm and atom or sublime with regards to php. I wish they would integrate something that would make it more php friendly , but after using sublime ( this is the only one ive used sofar) i realised that that isnt their (dreamweavers )only problem. Dreamweaver is actually slow too. Especially is you use it with something like xammp.
Its hard to let go , i myself have done alot on dreamweaver its where i learned coding, but the lanscape of this industry changes often and as an ide dreamweaver has failed to keep up really.
On the adobe forums ive searched but it seems they have no real plans to change things anytime soon.
Anyway op just my opinion as a front end designer starting php.
HAHA ad here i thought i was the only guy doing that , open css file and put on second screen , open website in chrome , developer mode, make changes to css and see what it looks like ...., copy and paste straight over the old css. Fastest way i know how to style.