As warned, existing attachments didn't survive the transition.

I haven't found all the moderator tools yet.


I see "lock" and "delete" options when I click the "v" dropdown on the "reply" button to the right, which I'm assuming are only available to mods/admins?

    I'd say so ... the poster's menu comes from an ellipsis-looking control, a la Facebook, etc. We get "edit" and "delete" ...

      (I have already cleared out a bunch of spam, and suspended the posters, so I have found some of the tools). It also looks like moving a thread is a matter of changing its tags; but there are other things.

        Email notification and uploading of files has been enabled.

        Yes there were some posts that should have been deleted and the person banned... Just do it again as you find them.

        Changing tags is the way to move threads. There isn't a re-direct function.

        Keep those cards and letters coming.

          I haven't seen the options to do either... Just have to do it manually and ask them to start a new thread/don't hijack others.

            Hmm. A lot of us "regulars" used signatures with links to answer FAQ and more/less enforce/influence community opinion ... that doesn't appear to be an option now?

            Also, lazy loading and all ... seems fine for short threads, but if I'm viewing an Elder Days thread with 4K posts in it (witness "Word Association Game") and I'm at the bottom and want to get back up to to the menu ... 😉

              NogDog Trying an IMG markdown-style

     preview mode the image was displayed, but upon submitting the reply it only showed the ALT text. 🙁

                Yes, Weedpacket, I was making an observation for those of us whose observational skills aren't on par with yours.

                Like me ;-)

                  It would be good if we could get these image post issues sorted out ...

                    I'm getting the error: "Oooops, something went wrong." Have submitted it.

                      2 months later

                      Steve ... I don't know if we can handle this. I have the same username over at (here's a thread example: )

                      I've apparently forgotten my credential --- I can't log in there. The email address associated with that account is my work address instead of one of my personal ones.

                      I've tried the "password recovery" function there a couple of times and I'm not receiving mail. (Come to think of it, I'm not receiving mail from PHPBuilder any longer either).

                      Is there mail trouble on your end, or do I need to examine our work server email configuration and see if we're blocking you?

                        Also, Steve, I note that your SSL Cert at Webdeveloper expired yesterday ....

                          Dale - see if you can find the private message I sent you.

                            Still not too keen on the search functionality (where was that Code Share thread again?)...