I recently bought the PHP6, Apache, MySQL Web development book. I do not know anything about programming and I wanted to start. The Apache installation went well (browser say "It works"). When I run the test.php file to verify the PHP installation, the browser responds "The requested URL /test.php was not found on this server". I've reviewed all the settings in the httpd.conf file and they seem fine. I can email the httpd.conf file if necessary.
Andrea, Italy
problem of a beginner
Sounds like "test.php" is in the wrong place. Are you quite certain of the folder that would be DOCROOT? That may be in httpd.conf, but could also be in some file included in httpd.conf or even somewhere else.
The server's error log might give you some clues.
I discovered what the problem is.
Truly a stupid thing.
I activated the display of known file extensions, and I found that the test.php file was called test.php.txt
Now it works.
Good job finding the issue. Modern operating systems do so many things automatically to protect users from themselves. As a developer, you generally have to turn these things off.
git commit -m 'Oops!'
Haha ... I usually go "git commit -m '...'" ... if they wanna see how dumb I was they'll have to do the diffs
We have people who would give you a hard time for not providing meaningful (but concise) commit messages, which should start with a verb. So, I'd actually do:
git commit -m 'fix file name suffix (oops!)'
Yeah, if I expected much of anyone besides myself to ever view the commit logs, I'd be more expressive for sure.
I did, however, try and give a 10K-foot 30-second overview of GIT this morning to the VP IT and the designer ... both of whom didn't have any idea what it was before that.