I'm pretty sure everyone knows XKCD. Or perhaps even theOatmeal.
Anyone reading commitstrip.com?
What are your favorites?
I'm pretty sure everyone knows XKCD. Or perhaps even theOatmeal.
Anyone reading commitstrip.com?
What are your favorites?
Does Garfield count?
Well, yeah, of course!
Although I'm kinda looking for new work-related stuff I've not seen before.
But thanks, now I'm hungry for Lasagna ... and not sure where to get any ....
Sometimes the classics are still good to read. Sometimes they're not.
It's been a few years since I first saw this, I still laugh every time for some reason
[upl-image-preview url=https://board.phpbuilder.com/assets/files/2019-02-23/1550885522-405197-image.png]