I'm kind of curious, what are five code challenges for junior developers in PHP, JavaScript, SQL and some frameworks?

    My favorite coding challenge for a job was "Code something for us. Make it work."

    I didn't finish the application because... well, screw that noise.

    However, if you're looking to practice and challenge yourself a bit I've found https://www.codewars.com to be fun.


    maxxd Code something for us

    I'm with you so far

    maxxd Make it work.

    That seems a bit unrealistic, I'm guessing it was the sales team that came up with that idea

      Had to be. And don't get me wrong - I'm fine with a code challenge, but there's got to be some structure to it.

      maxxd The FizzBuzz one was fun to do

      for(i = 1 ; i <= 100; i++ ){
      	var is3 = i % 3 === 0;
      	var is5 = i % 5 === 0;
      	if(is3 && is5){
      	else if(is3){
      	}else if(is5){

        That's a good one - it was actually a five-minute live code challenge I did on an interview just the other week.

        maxxd I still remember your interface stuff from a while ago, I'm surprised you have to do anything like that

          Thanks - that's very kind. But yeah, still gotta do the coding challenges - think I've done five or six over the last year. Hopefully soon I'll actually land the gig!

          maxxd If you're having trouble

          Me: laughs in panic

          I'm trying to count vowels in a name now

          I'm sure you'll be fine - I'm just getting old and I live in a small market.

            cluelessPHP I'm trying to count vowels in a name now

            Hmm...how do you decide if "Y" is a vowel or a consonant in a given case?

            NogDog I just found out you Franklin fellow wanted to replace it with an i. Merriam-webster says it's mostly a vowel, toss a coin I guess if it's heads it's a vowel?

            That's an idea, some ip thingy or something

              To avoid some repetition, you could do:

                  const counting = val.match(/[aeiou]/gi).length;
                  const counting = val.match(/[aeiouy]/gi).length;
                output.innerHTML = counting;
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