Hope the new job is rewarding in whichever ways are important to you. ️
See ya 'round, maybe?
Congratulations on the new job - hope it is everything you want it to be, come on back whenever you get the chance, and thanks for all your contributions here!
Good luck, sir. Come back and see us some time.
Well, it's 60% less commuting distance, a small increase in real wages, I'll have health insurance again (gave that up for a cash equivalent several years ago here), and the retirement plan is pretty good even without me contributing anything.
I'm most excited though, to have my own water cooler and an adjustable desk.
dalecosp Health insurance? So you're safe when you go on holiday?
cluelessPHP Health insurance? So you're safe when you go on holiday?
This is the USA, where you have to buy your own health insurance (or have it largely paid for by your employer) for all medical care. Otherwise you are responsible for all of your medical costs, unless you qualify for certain limited government programs (such as Medicare if you are 65 or older, or Medicaid for certain disadvantaged groups).
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@NogDog #11094849 Otherwise you are responsible for all of your medical costs, unless you qualify
There are a few other options; we're part of a church sharing ministry, so, assuming we can keep collections from going in on the bills, within six months people send us enough $$$ to cover all but a few hundred dollars or any major incidents we have.
Routine care's another matter though.
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maxxd Congratulations on the new job - hope it is everything you want it to be, come on back whenever you get the chance, and thanks for all your contributions here!
We wish you the best anyway.
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Strange we have the NHS here, thankfully or I'd have been dead by 4 lol
If I ever get this site of mine working how I like it and active users I'll get medical for all those who work for me