Hello all. Hope you are well!

This is just a matter of "I can't remember what tool I used to use, but I know it exists..."

I want copy a block of PHP and "convert to HTML", where it would fix the PHP-specific characters, so any code which would normally be parsed as PHP would "instantly" become HTML friendly as NCR's or HTML entities, for regular HTML output for storing quick notes w/out it throwing PHP errors.

With a thousand text editors, and each having a hundred menus, i thought I'd just shoot that question out here to see if it rings a bell w/ anyone. Anything come to mind off the top of your head?

I realize there's as many websites that process strings and all that. I like quick n fast, like notepad2. But I don't think it has that function.

Thank you!

    Hey there NogDog !
    Naw, i'm sorry. I was looking for something like a "right click" in a text editor.

    I might have been thinking of Programmer's Notepad (Scintilla based), which will export a PHP file as HTML for viewing/ sharing. Basically just the idea of turning $ into $ , and the greater-than less-than signs, etc.

    kind of interested to learn what others' favorite editors are, i suppose. but, specifically that little function. i just happened to be making some notes earlier, and realized i missed having that. couldn't remember what editor i used to use that would allow selecting a lined, and quick convert "code" to HTML.

    But thank you! I wasn't aware of those PHP functions!
    (hmm.. maybe that's a better approach anyway. i'll have to try it. )


      Well, I got curious, and I found a (slightly clunky) way to do it in VS Code (my current code editor):

      • Add the "Print" extension to VS Code
      • Open settings ("⌘," on Mac) and search for "printing"
      • Un-check the "Print and close" option

      Now when editing the file, just right-click within it and choose the "Print" option. It will pop-up in your web browser, and then you can do a "view source" if you want to copy/paste the HTML (or I suppose just save the file from the browser menus).

      a month later

      Hey there NogDog !!
      Yes! That's cool. I haven't tried yet, but it sounds like the type of thing I'd do!

      Sorry for late reply. Holidays, etc.

      Haha. VS Code, huh... right!? It's pretty crazy how it basically does everything. I'll bet a lot of software companies are pretty bummed out about it. Like Bob Dylan penned so many years ago though: the Times, and what not. 🙂
      Ugh. ChatGPT isn't even 2 months old yet, and already they did a skit on SNL about that...
      but, i digress.

      I never did get around to trying those PHP funcs. Thank you for reminding me!

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