
  • Jul 4, 2024
  • Joined Oct 28, 2015
  • i did a bit of google searching and saw PHPStan (which was mentinoed by @benanamen ) and decided to give it a try. You can install it with composer:

    composer require --dev phpstan/phpstan

    If you just run it, it will not detect undeclared properties, but if you add the -l flag with a level of 2 or higher, it will report 'undefined properties'. I created these files in a subdir, foo:


    class FooClass {
        // blah blah blah


    require_once 'foo.php';
    $foo = new FooClass();
    $foo->some_new_property = 42;

    and ran it:

    $ vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 2 foo
     3/3 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Line   file.php                                                       
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
      4      Access to an undefined property FooClass::$some_new_property.  
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
     [ERROR] Found 1 error

    This looks quite helpful. If anyone has experience with PHPStan or other static analysis tools, I'd be curious to hear any war stories.

    EDIT: I got to wondering if PHPStan was smart enough to deal with instantiation of classes via factory methods. I seem to recall seeing this pattern a lot. To be extra sneaky I have my factory method return an instance of self rather than referring to the class name. Looks like PHPStan isn't smart enough to recogize the undeclared property assignment.

    require_once 'foo2.php';
    $foo = FooClass2::factory();
    $foo->some_new_property = 42;


    require_once 'foo.php';
    class FooClass2 extends FooClass {
        // let's see if phpstan can detect factory methods
        public static function factory(){
            return new self();

    The analysis doesn't catch the undeclared property assignment in file2.php. If you crank up the reporting level to 6, it does complain that you haven't declared a return type for the factory method in foo2.php:

    $ vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 6 foo
     4/4 [▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓] 100%
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
      Line   file.php                                                       
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
      4      Access to an undefined property FooClass::$some_new_property.  
     ------ --------------------------------------------------------------- 
     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 
      Line   foo2.php                                                   
     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 
      5      Method FooClass2::factory() has no return type specified.  
     ------ ----------------------------------------------------------- 
     [ERROR] Found 2 errors